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Home : Massage Establishments : Notice for LMT's

Massage Establishment Licenses & Establishment Registration (Solo Practitioner)FAQ’s

 Establishment License / Establishment Registration (Solo Practitioner)

Therapist who work from home, offer mobile massage services, or those who work in a physician’s office, physical therapy facility, chiropractic office or higher education sports facility are the only licensees that are not required to be listed on an establishment license, have an establishment license or registered with an establishment license as a solo practitioner.  If you do not fall under any of the above listed, you are required by law to have an establishment license, be listed as working at a licensed establishment or be registered as a solo practitioner with an establishment registration.

Once you know which Establishment License you need,  you can download the correct form by Clicking Here 

If I work from home or do mobile massage do I need an establishment license or registration?

No - Your professional license acts as your Establishment License/Registration

I work at a business where I rent space or contract as an employee, what license do I need?

Establishment registration (solo practitioner)

If I work for a business that offers, massage services but do not rent a space, who is responsible for the Establishment license?

The business owner is responsible for having the Establishment license and it is the massage therapist responsibility to make sure they are only working at registered establishments.

I rent space/contract a room with several massage therapists do we each need an establishment registration (solo practitioner)


I own or work at a Salon that is licensed by the Cosmetology Board, does the business or I still need an Establishment License/Solo Registration to offer massage


I am a business owner who rents rooms to massage therapist, who is responsible for the Establishment license/Registration?

If you own a business but only rent space to massage therapists, each therapist is responsible for registering as a Solo Practitioner and displaying their license and establishment registration.

Do Establishment licenses and Solo Registrations need to be renewed each year?

Yes – Establishment Licenses are renewed each year for $100.00. Establishment registrations (Solo Registrations) are free unless renewed late which will be a 100.00 late fee. Each licenses expires March 31st.

Are schools required to have an establishment license.

Yes - All schools which offer massage therapy services to the public as a part of student training are subject to the same standards that apply to any business providing massage therapy services to the public.

I work directly under a physician, physical therapist or chiropractor. Do I or the business need an Establishment License or Solo Practitioner Registration?
