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Home : Massage Therapists : Renew a Professional LIcense

 Renew Your Professional License

To avoid your license being denied/returned, read all information below then scroll to the bottom of the page to renew your license. The office is working diligently to process renewals as quickly as possible. Please note information regarding renewals can be found on the website. We will do our best to return phone calls within 24 business hours. As a reminder - due to the small size of the staff, the office has administrative hours and public hours.  Administrative hours are 8am to 9am, 3pm to 4pm and Friday 8am to 4pm. Administrative hours are necessary to complete renewals, application processing, registrations, Etc. and the phone is not answered during that time. The office is not responsible for incomplete renewals or failure to follow instructions regarding the renewal process. The website will begin charging the $100.00 late renewal fee at 12:00am on April 1st


1.    It is recommended that a laptop or tablet be used to process your renewal. The website is not compatible with some IOS (phone) systems.

2.    If you have more certificates than you are able to upload to the website, you can email the certificates to Include your name and license number in the email and send as attachments - do not insert in the email.

3.    Photographs of certificates may be too large to attach. Scan and upload certificates in PDF, JPG or Word format.

4.    To avoid duplicate charges - Please do not hit the “Submit” button multiple times.

5.    Double check information prior to submission and make sure information was not “auto-filled” in error.

 Renewal Information:

1.     All licenses expire March 31st each year regardless of when the initial registration was completed

2.    All renewals are processed in the order received. Any renewal receive the last week of renewal season may take up to 5 days to process. It is advised that licensees submit their renewal no later than five days prior to March 31st. This will allow ample time for corrections if the application is denied. 

3.    Based on the law, no extensions or waivers can be given in regards to renewals regardless of the circumstances. Each Licensed Massage Therapist has 3 months to renew their professional license between January 1st and March 31st

Continuing Education: (Click Here for additional information)

1.    First year applicants are not required to take CEU’s their first year. When renewing your first year of licensure, upload a typed or hand written paper that states “First year of licensure – No CEU’s required”

2.    Only take CEU’s by providers that are registered with the Board, and courses that are registered with the Board. (Click Here)

3.    Approved providers are required to have their provider number (LAPXXX) and course number (LCEUXXX) on all certificates of completion.  If this information is not on your certificate, contact the provider or find the LCEU number on the website. Write the number on the certificate. LCEU#’s are how the office verifies attendance and course approval. If there is no LCEU# on the certificate it may not be registered or approved with the Board. 

4.    Do not assume your CEU is approved unless verified on the LBMT website. This includes continuing education taken through associations such as the AMTA, ABMP or FSMTB. Click Here for more information. 

5.    CEU Transcripts will not be accepted. (Example, transcripts from national associations showing all courses taken) Each certificate of completion must be uploaded and have the LCEU# on the certificate. If there is no LCEU# on the certificate contact the provider directly and write the number on the certificate. 

6.    Any excess CEU’s beyond the required 12 taken the prior renewal year can be carried over for one renewal cycle after the licensee has satisfied the license renewal requirements for that year. For example; if you took a course that was submitted last renewal year for 24 CEU's, 12 of those CEUs will carry over. It is the licensee’s responsibility to upload the carry over CEU’s from the prior year.

Working Locations: Click Here - for more information

1.    Therapist who work from home, offer mobile massage services, or those who work in a physician’s office, physical therapy facility, chiropractic office or higher education sports facility are the only licensees that are not required to be listed on an establishment license, have an establishment license or registered with an establishment license as a solo practitioner.  

2.    If you do not fall under any of the above listed, you are required by law to have an establishment license, be listed as working at a licensed establishment or be registered as a solo practitioner with an establishment registration. Please review the FAQ page under Massage Establishments for clarification. (Click Here).

3.    Professional locations listed on the renewal should include the establishment name and number from cross matching.


4.    During the renewal process email notifications will be sent to the email address on file with status updates. Received: Indicates that your application was received only. Approved: Indicates that your license was successfully renewed and available to print from your dashboard. Denied: Indicates that your renewal was returned, and payment refunded or voided.

5.    It is the responsibility of the licensee to verify each status of the renewal process and check their dashboard on the LBMT website prior to March 31st for approval. If you do not receive the initial email indicating your renewal was “received” within 24 hours, first check your junk/spam folder then email to confirm receipt.

6.    Any denied renewal that is not resubmitted correctly by March 31st will require a $100.00 late fee. Please submit your renewal at least 5 days prior to the deadline of March 31st to ensure time for correction if your renewal is returned. 


Read before submitting you renewal:

By agreeing to renew your license, you verify that you have read the above and understand that any incorrect and or incomplete renewal will be returned, and payment returned or voided.  This includes working at establishments that are not licensed, establishments that require solo practitioner registrations, as well as CEU's that are not registered/approved by the Board. If your renewal is returned and not resubmitted correctly by March 31st a late fee of 100.00 will be required. Any applications submitted after March 31st will include the 100.00 late fee. 

Renew Your License Online By Clicking here.

The information above is a courtesy to assist with the renewal process but does not replace the responsibility of each licensees to read and understanding all Laws, Rules, Practice Act etc. that govern the profession. You may find the above information in La. R.S. 37:3551,et seq., Chapter 57 and LAC, Title 46, Part XLIV ("Louisiana Law" tab, Practice Act/Rules and Standards). Please review all information in the Practice Act and Rules.